John Dump walks through the woods.

John Dump walked through the woods.  He was scared. He was lost.

His friend, the bird, had disappeared when the sun set.  “Of course,” John said to the darkness. “Everyone abandons me when things get difficult.”    

John tripped on a branch and fell to his knees.   Nobody could ever understand the depths of his loneliness.

“I’m all alone,” he howled.  

Just then, a star caught his eye.  John was from the city. The sky was so bright that you could only see the very brightest stars.  He never saw stars like this.

John looked up at the sky.  There were so many stars. Sometimes it was easy to forget that we are just one planet, circling one star.  It was easy to forget that John was just one person, out of billions. The smartest and most powerful person, maybe, but just one.

Suddenly John Dump felt very small.

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